Water Dunking Machine Buy Body Fat Percentage, Machine Calculated Question?

Body fat Percentage, Machine Calculated Question? - water dunking machine buy

I use a machine, body fat, you and send the signal through the body and are made with a random number, which part of your body fat

I know that is not accurate, but I have to say under the water several times, which is about 95% accuracy, I would, and we know that about 2-4%) discount on the machine (compared with the product.

In any event, for my question as to why the age has nothing to do with the amount of fat is not on my body? For example, the tester machine, I said that it is 16% body fat, but my birthday on Thursday this week, so I have it inspected 19 instead of 18 only, and m 'leave to 13%. It makes no sense, what is the age effect on the amount of fat in the body? I know that age is used to determine a healthy measure of% fat in the body, but should not affect the amount of fat in the body? Ideas?



Anonymous said...

I do not really think that this will have only the amount of fat, but the amount of fat is healthy for you. Because adolescents are recommended 9 hours sleep and one hour of exercise and over 20 is recommended 8 hours sleep and 30 minutes exercise. Chemicals in the body changes with age, so that if the expectations are not physical. This is perhaps not quite right and I am absolutely sure that there is more to it than that, but it can be accessed online if no one answers your question and I'm sure it can be more informative.

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