Pain From My Belly Button To My Penis Why I Feel Pain Under My Belly Button A Bit Up From My Penis?

Why i feel pain under my belly button a bit up from my penis? - pain from my belly button to my penis

I do not know why I feel pain below the navel, because they do not know sore ALOS Blader strech really feel why this is often done for me and I no way to reduce this pain is all went on a hot black tea to drink and then walk about 20 mints then start off the gas and I feel good, I want to know why this is happning and when a doctor can help me properly or medicine or one liter with the same problem as you can tell me Some medical THX in advance


mr.kotia... said...

About 90% of the pain is caused by gases, which causes accumulation throughout the body.

The causes can be many to expose a few: - indigestion or tangled intestines, making the lining of the intestine that affect damagged order food this area, the pain by stretching the muscles that occur in connection with part of the intestine.

Stiffness and stress is felt in parts of the chest and shoulders, even on the neck area.

Here is a breathing excerise you can use to relax the chest and the gas release regularly.

stand straight with the bone in line with the neck and head, move your shoulders forward and backward in a circular motion, until they crash and feel the contraction stress is released.

Now fill expand the chest and lungs with air, but stomach this a little to relax the diaphragm so that the maximum expansion of the air in the chest to expand breast lungs.simultaenously the situation and leave the stomach in bulk . This should expel the air from the lungs, it is now air from the lungs of cooperationntract stomach only on the diaphragm and forces air sequeese now completely relaxed chest.
The above-mentioned diaphragm breathing, which should be our natural breathing being to see and learn, that shows young children during sleep.

What you need to have the feeling if you do good, is that the movement of the gas in the beginning of the intestine with the effort. and pain disappears.

Avoid foods that leave not digest easily, never an empty stomach, the acids and Ince form may be under threat in the gut.

able methods for the formation of dilute acids, such as drinking more water tested regularly, but make sure that they as frequent urination. But do not overload kidnrys.

libby_mc... said...

Please consult a doctor immediately .... can be anything.

diversem... said...

Could be a cyst or something more serious. I suggest you go to the doctor and get it checked out.

diversem... said...

Could be a cyst or something more serious. I suggest you go to the doctor and get it checked out.

Boy, Interrupted said...

If you have trouble peeing, you probably have an infection of the urinary tract. Immediately consult a doctor, probably nothing, but could be something. Try to urinate easily, after sex and clean your penis just precautionary measures.

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