Toothbrush Market There Are Toothbrush Cleansers On The Market That Claim To Eliminate Bacteria From Toothbrushes. Is This True?

There are toothbrush cleansers on the market that claim to eliminate bacteria from toothbrushes. Is this true? - toothbrush market

If so, what brush cleaner do you recommend to buy? I'm not sure how reliable they are to progress in cleaning brush


DrAcidBa... said...

Here is the correct answer ... You should replace your toothbrush every 3 months or had some sort of bacterial or viral diseases. Also, if you notice that the brushes are frayed replaced it.

As for the cleaning, doing the work. There are also Toothbrush Holder UV light to kill bacteria. Put the toothbrush in boiling water or a cup of bleach with a drop would do the same work. It is a bit exaggerated, but. If you Listerine (be) the brush in Listerine may take a night once a week. You should keep brush, so it is straight and free of moisture. Storage of his brush with a head covering or in a damp, promote bacterial growth.

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