Business Capital Loan Working Are You Willing To Grant A $2k-5k Private Business Loan, Payable In Full Within 60 Days?

Are you willing to grant a $2k-5k private business loan, payable in full within 60 days? - business capital loan working

I am 18 months old cleaning company with a strong customer base and billing and known as a clock. I'm looking for a private loan for small $ 2k-5k for the purchase of equipment and working capital. Not one company in 24 months has left a permanent obstacle for traditional financing. A list of customers paying bills and lists of references are available.


Ed S said...

My advice is, as far as possible, in each month until you can pay cash for the team. But there are two alternatives. First, you can probably rent the equipment and then pay for it as used. Second, you can rent equipment, if necessary, until you can afford.

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