Swollen Knee From Driving What Could Still Be Wrong With My Knee After 7 Months?

What could still be wrong with my knee after 7 months? - swollen knee from driving

I have a lot of knee in December last year and at the end with 2 swollen knee .... really swollen. I went to the orthopedist said that the problem was bursitis. When I went to work and asked me questions. We have an MRI or anything. Or 7 months later and the left knee is pretty much healed, but the knee is not right. When you hit the brakes in my car, it swells. If Pivot, the knee swells up turning a page. Yesterday I had to take a big step upward and outward, and the feeling that everything was in the knees and below the kneecap terrible. It hurts, just behind and below the kneecap. I am ice and is still swollen and painful to watch, and it is crispy. My next appointment. The doctor was not until 11 July. Can someone tell me what could happen? It makes me crazy and I feel as if I had to take a walk, even thought the weather was so beautiful. Thank you for your answers.


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